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Guardians of Nothing



Ranking General

Guild Rankings.

A short explanation of the rank and their job in the guild.

Commander: Dooggié (SoFie)
Final word holder, and the man of many things.

Right Hand: Lysaria (Nisa), Cady (TeddaH), Honla (ZlasheR).
Second in command, just as good as the top rank.

Class Leaders:
The leader of their class, here to help, advise and manage their respective classes.

The officers are a general high rank that can be asked questions in game and will be your direct line to right hands and the commander.

The veteran ranking is for those who have been around for a long time.

The Member rank shows you have completed your trial period.
And that you're now a fully accepted member.

When you have just joined you are on trail for 7 days.

Alt Character:
Alt character is a ranking for people of member rank and above.
If they have an alternative character they would like in the guild.

Sin Bin:
The sin bin is a place we put people that cant behave, giving them a 24 hours quarentine from talking in the guild chat and joining groups/raids and so on.

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