
GoN Guild History

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Guardians of Nothing



GoN Guild Histrory

Guardians of Nothing

The history of the guild.

The Guardians of Nothing was created 14 September, 2008.
Is was created to start raiding things like Karazhan and so on, of the burning crusade expantion.

We Cleared karazhan a couble of times, and then its slowly disasembled.
Durring to some membership problems it slowly died out again.
Dooggié (SoFie) & Honla (Zlasher) kept it alive, bought some guild taps, recruited one there and one here.
Helped people reach to 80, helped them with gear and quests.
And true enough, when people hit level 80 - They left imidiatly.
Leaving a guild is one thing, Abusing one is another.

Do to this the rules have gotten more strict, we are collecting money from the members to get some more guild taps, stock up on things for raiding and so on.
Building a solid foundation on that side.

Our hopes in the future is Raiding, and hopefully succeding - But we will not be more than Casual.

Raiding is going to be signable as a group, but we keep the ingame guild as an RP option for you, aswell as raiding ofocurse.

Benefits will show itself in the cataclysm expantion with the guild leveling system.

Thats all for now - Help us write more history?

Best of luck!
G.o.N. Crew.

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